Our Vision
222 CMN, through its Church Planting School (222CPS), focuses on multiplying churches by pouring into faithful men who have a definite call to plant churches in unreached areas. These men will then go out and train others as well. We envision a family of 2,222 new churches and 222 training centers by 2033, worldwide. This vision is called 222TC X 2033.

Our Mission
Multiplying disciples by multiplying churches. Multiplying churches by multiplying trainings. Multiplying trainings by multiplying training centers.

The Center And Training
God has provided a beautiful plot of land overlooking Taal Lake, where our live-in center is located. As of 2022, we have graduated almost 100 students, planted over 200 churches, certified over 3,500 trainers, and have 12 certified master trainers. We are so blessed to have over 35 new training centers across the Philippines, and even overseas.
Our Course
222 CMN provides a twelve-week training course for those in the program. Included in the curriculum are the seven training modules offered by Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI), thus making our graduates certified trainers, not just church planters. Check out DCPI’s website at https://dcpi.org/.

Meet the Founders
Tony & Amber